Notice: submission of a paper for a graduate-to be student
1. Submission to online: from June 20 ~ August 19
2. How to submit
1) a file : Library → 학위논문제출)
2) You have to submit 3 copies of your paper, 학위논문이용동의서(Agreement of uploading your paper to the online), 제출확인서(Confirmation of that you uploaded) to IT graduate school administrative office
3. Attention
1) Cover, table of contents, abstract, contents should be saved as only one file.
2) The file format is recommended as PDF.(If a file name extension is *.doc or *.hwp is okay, but *.docx should be changed.)
3) Table of contents should include charts or pictures "if necessary."
4) If your file has an error during upload by being over 50MB, you can submit it with other storage media.
5) Please refer to a manual or a video clip of dCollection site.